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land under cultivation中文是什么意思

用"land under cultivation"造句"land under cultivation"怎么读"land under cultivation" in a sentence


  • 耕作地


  • There is also a suggestion that the reforms might not apply where there is a chance that they would lead to a reduction in land under cultivation
  • Genetically modified , virus - resistant crops can reduce that damage , as can drought - tolerant seeds in regions where water shortages limit the amount of land under cultivation
  • But following the “ green revolution ” of the 1960s greater use of chemical fertiliser has tripled grain yields with very little increase in the area of land under cultivation
  • He claims the idea that organic farming is better for the environment is “ ridiculous ” because organic farming produces lower yields and therefore requires more land under cultivation to produce the same amount of food
    他声称有机种植有利环保的观点“荒诞不经” ,因为有机种植会降低产能,所以生产同量粮食需要更多耕地。
  • China will use modern agricultural techniques to boost output and preserve the nation ' s food security since industrialization and urbanization will make it difficult to increase the amount of land under cultivation , the chinese vice - minister of agriculture said tuesday , jan . 23
用"land under cultivation"造句  


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